
Famous Homes in America – Graceland

This country is full of homes and estates that mark the history books and serve as tourist attractions. From the infant days our country and the homes of our first presidents, popular authors to rock and roll stars, the tours are endless. One of the most famous homes in America is no doubt that of The King of rock and roll – Elvis Presley's Graceland.Graceland is fake oakley sunglasses a sprawling estate covering over 13 acres in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee. Elvis Presley originally purchased the home for his parents in 1957 and eventually made it his home as well in 1958. The home today is over 17,000 square feet with a total of 23 rooms that includes 8 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. The exterior of the mansion is made of tan limestone with the front portico being held up with giant white columns and 2 iconic stone lions on either side. After Presley moved in to the home he made a lot of changes including the addition of a music themed gate, swimming pool and the famous “Jungle Room” which eventually was converted into a recording studio.Elvis Presley had a bold sense tory burch outlet of style and enjoyed bright colors and crazy, eclectic accessories and furniture. One of the first rooms cheap oakleys you see when you enter Graceland is the living room. Elvis liked the rooms in his home to have a “theme” and the living room is no exception. The walls in the living room are covered with mirrors and beautiful, brightly colored stained glass with peacocks in the design. There is a clean look to the room with the white marble fireplace, white Louis XIV furniture and white carpet. Some people thought his décor was tacky but his home is the fake oakleys second most visited home in the country, second only to the White House.Another theme room that Presley created was his Trophy Room. This room's purpose is exactly what it sounds destined for –t o display all of his awards, flashy costumes and even to race slot cars. The walls in the Trophy Room are filled floor to ceiling with awards and plaques from his best selling records. Dotting the rooms edges are glass enclosures that illuminate some of Presley's most flashy, famous costumes that he wore on stage. Presley's Trophy Room recently got a makeover and now includes an interactive timeline for all visitors to the mansion to enjoy.Possibly the most famous room in Graceland is the Jungle Room. The Jungle Room displayed Presley's style to the core and is quite a sight to see. The Jungle Room was originally a patio until the 1960's when he made it part of the main house. When he created the Jungle Room, he created a trend that is still hot today – the Man Cave. This room was eventually turned into a recording studio where Presley recorded quite a few of his most famous records. There is wood on the walls and green shag carpeting spread across the floor and celing. The furniture, accessories (including exotic plants) and window coverings all make you feel like you are sitting in the middle of the jungle. There is even a waterfall feature that gives the room a truly authentic feel.

